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Mother Daughter Travel

Why I love traveling with my Adult Daughter

Why I love traveling with my Adult Daughter

Long bus rides up the coast of Portugal eating a jar of peanut butter together, watching elephants bathe in the river and feeling like a Mahout, going to an Indian pow wow in our own backyard, learning how to take a good selfie, and eating ice cream for every meal just because we could. This is what traveling with my daughter looks like!

Meghan and Linda's Adventures in Greece

Meghan and Linda's Adventures in Greece

We were so excited to begin our Greek adventure with Acanela! We have traveled together before but nothing as adventurous as this trip to Europe. As soon as we arrived in Athens we enjoyed our first meal at Smile Cafe (literally the name) which was a perfect way to begin the journey because that’s what we did every time we had a great meal or great experience. Every tour was educational, every meal was amazing, and every new experience was memorable!  

Like Mother Like Daughter: Taking on Thailand

Like Mother Like Daughter: Taking on Thailand

A routine challenge to myself is to keep an open mind and an unwavering sense of adventure. This has ultimately lead to the development of a quite the long bucket list of exotic destinations I want to travel to. People often ask, "why would you want to go there?" and I simply respond with, "well why not?" Relatedly, the older I get, the more I realize that the 'apple hasn't fallen far from the tree' and much of my adventurousness and "always yes" attitude can be attributed to my mother - so who better to travel the globe with?

Highlights of my Travels to 14 Countries with my Mom

Highlights of my Travels to 14 Countries with my Mom

Traveling is exhilarating in and of itself, but for me it becomes more special when I am able to share it with someone that I love.  I attribute my love of adventure to my mother, who decided to leave her comfortable home in the USA and backpack through Europe when she was just 20 years old.  Little did she know that 20 years later, she would inspire her daughter to do the same.

5 Reasons Why Your Mom is the Best Travel Buddy

5 Reasons Why Your Mom is the Best Travel Buddy

Finding a compatible travel buddy can be difficult. You must have matching ideas about budget,
type of accommodation, interests, preferences in food and so much more. Maybe you want someone who wants to visit all the touristy locations with you or maybe you only want to visit places that are off the beaten track. Maybe you want both! It doesn’t matter what your travel style is, as long as you and travel buddy’s preferences match up. Thankfully, most of the time the best travel buddies are right under our noses. Our moms know us best, they have our best interests at heart and they may just be the perfect travel buddy for the next adventure. Here are just five reasons why your mom is the best travel partner-in- crime of all!

Top 20 Trips to Take with Your Mom

Top 20 Trips to Take with Your Mom

There’s no greater gift you can give your mother than spending quality time together, and what better way to show your love and appreciation than with a trip abroad! Your mom is the perfect travel buddy, and experiencing new cultures and adventures together will strengthen your bond and create lifelong memories you’ll cherish for years to come. These are the top 20 trips to take with your mom.