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When to Travel to Namibia

Namibia is a popular year-round destination in southwest Africa. This country is home to a diverse wildlife population, specifically a large cheetah population! Curious as to when the best time to visit? Worried about picking the wrong season? We’re sharing all the details on Namibia’s seasons so you can determine the best time for you to travel to Namibia.

Namibia can have over 300 days of sunshine a year! The Namibian summer roughly lasts from December to April and is also considered the wet season. The Namibian winter lasts roughly from May to September and is the dry season.

Wet Season (December-April):
The Namibian summer is typically a wet one! December brings the change of season and weather can be slightly unpredictable. It might be hot and sunny one day and the next has rain showers. The beginning of the wet season can still be excellent for game viewing. January and February experience the most rain except the desert where rain is unusual. During these months, animals tend to be spread out. Some animals roam off to isolated feeding areas thus making it difficult to see them. Vegetation can also make it difficult to view animals. The birth rate is high during these months, so it is likely that you’ll see a newborn! March and April weather is generally not as harsh and a lovely time for visiting the desert and other areas of Namibia. There is a change of season from wet to dry. Wildlife is very similar to January and February with young animals now being a month or two old.  Lots of wildlife activity for territories and testing each other. Birds are taking flight back to the northern hemisphere at this time!


Dry Season (May-November):
May and June mark the beginning of winter in Namibia! Evenings tend to be cool and chilly. Water levels begin to drop and animals start gathering at waterholes for their daily drink.  Still quite a lot of vegetation so animals are a still spread out and difficult to see. July and August are peak months to visit Namibia. Rain is very rare, humidity is low, and temperatures are cool. This is the best time to visit Etosha National Park, the Ongava Reserve, and the AfriCat Foundation. With little to no vegetation and sparse waterholes most large groups of wildlife are seen together. September and October are the peak of dry season. Temperatures can be uncomfortable for those not used to hot temperatures. Rain is not even a worry during these months. A wide range of animals can be seen at the waterholes, and it often occurs during the heat of the day. November is a high variable month. It can be humid, sunny, or threats of a thunderstorm may happen.


As always Mother Nature has her own plans regarding weather! Depending on your reason or goal for visiting Namibia will determine the best time to go. If you are interested in vegetation, like playing your odds, or seeing newborn animals visit during the wet season! If you would like to see large, diverse groups of animals visit during the dry season!

Post written by Jordan Eshbaugh