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Kenya Packing Guide

Heading to Kenya for the first time? I’m sure you’re wondering what you need to bring and what you should wear during your time there. Whether you are heading on a safari, exploring Nairobi or wandering up and down the coast, we have curated the ultimate packing guide of what to BRING and NOT TO BRING for your upcoming adventure to Kenya:



For both men and women, jeans are a great wardrobe staple to have during your time in Kenya. If you happen to be traveling in Nairobi, this area is more accepting of people wearing shorts if you happen to prefer that in your wardrobe. But in Kenya overall, people tend to wear long pants daily and it is recommended you do the same.


To keep from standing out and to remain culturally appropriate, stick with shirts that have sleeves. This will also help keep you protected from sun damage to your skin.


It’s always a good idea to have a hat on you when traveling, whether for a bad hair day, fashion statement or just keeping the sun out of your eyes. If you are traveling to the coast, maybe opt for a statement floppy sun hat. Heading on a safari? Grab a baseball cap to complete your look.

Mosquito Spray

Mosquito spray is basically nonexistent in Kenya and so it is very important that you pack this item from home and do not wait to try and purchase it when you arrive. Look for sprays that contain DEET since malaria does have a presence in Kenya. This will act as an extra precaution on top of the malaria pills you will most likely be taking. If you happen to forget your spray, you should be able to find mosquito repellent cream in Kenya, however, it won’t contain any DEET.


Keep your eyes protected from the bright sun with a good pair of sunglasses. With the strong rays, you probably will find yourself only taking them off at night!


Kenya has a very hot climate year-round and so it is important that you are remembering to protect your skin from any harmful rays. Look for a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 35. Definitely opt for a higher SPF if you are prone to burning.

Water Bottle

Stay hydrated during your time in Kenya. The hot sun can get very strong, leading to dehydration. Be sustainable and always have water accessible in your reusable bottle.


If traveling to Kenya during the rainy season, you will probably want to have an umbrella on hand for any showers that may come your way. 


Capture your journey with a high-quality camera. It is important to invest in a camera lens with a good zoom for safaris especially. Your family and friends at home will want to see your trip of a lifetime when you get back!

Power Adapter

In Kenya the standard voltage is 240 watts, meaning you will need a power adapter when using plugging in electronics from the United States. Look into buying a universal power adapter so no matter where in the world you travel to next, you’ll be able to still use all of your devices.

Portable Battery

Keep your devices charged throughout the day by having a portable battery on hand at all times. With all of the photo-taking that you will be doing in Kenya, your batteries will most likely be dying at a quicker rate than the norm. These portable chargers will also come in handy when on a safari or when exploring more remote parts of Kenya where the power is more likely to go out.


Depending on what part of Kenya you are staying in, you may want a flashlight on hand in case of frequent unexpected power outages at night. This will come in handy when saving battery on your phone for other things.


This is an essential packing list item when planning on embarking on a safari. A lot of the animals you will be spotting will be at a distance from the vehicle or possibly even hiding in the trees, making them difficult to see. Don’t sacrifice your safari experience and pack a pair of binoculars for an up-close wildlife view.


If you are traveling from the United States to Kenya, make sure to look into the steps of obtaining the correct visa for your travels. 


With all of these items on your packing list, you are going to need something to carry everything in. Invest in a durable backpack that you are okay with maybe getting some dirt on. Look into an anti-theft model for extra precaution on your travels.

Don’t Bring:


It is illegal to wear in Kenya! 

Plastic Bags

A few years ago Kenya put a plastic ban throughout the country. If you bring plastic bags in the country, you are at risk of getting heavily fined. This ban includes plastic grocery store bags as well as other single-use plastic bags such as Ziplocs. Be conscious when packing and opt for reusable bags instead!


Many roads in Kenya are unpaved and unideal for walking in heels. Most likely all of the places you will be visiting will not require a formal dress code involving fancy shoes.

Now you are ready for your dream trip to Kenya! You are now prepared to pack for a land where the elephants, lions, and giraffes roam free. Have a great trip to Kenya with Acanela! Start your packing today!

Post written by: Kirsten Cusack, @kirqsak