Acanela Expeditions

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Traveling to Petra

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If you didn't know already - Acanela has been traveling around the Middle East the past 3 weeks! We've been to Egypt, Jordan and now we are in Israel.  Our founder Kylie Chenn, has been documenting her travels through her blog post -! Here's a little excerpt of our time in Jordan, seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World! 

"If you have not been to Petra - add it to your list RIGHT NOW.  These beautiful Nabatean ruins are something that you have to see at least once in your life.  We stayed at the Petra Guest House, one of the top accommodations right outside of the entrance to Petra.  Here we were able to leave bright and early in the morning to explore one of the most beautiful sites in the world.   Upon entering Petra, you walk through a large slot canyon (much more grand than any canyon I have ever seen in the Southwestern United States).  You walk for about a mile until the canyon opens up into your first glimpse of Petra - the Treasury... One of the most beautiful FAcades of the entire city.  What most people do not realize about Petra is that it continues on for miles, the city is HUGE and we had the entire day to explore it!"

-Kylie Chenn (

We want YOU to travel with us next time! Check out our latest expeditions coming up HERE!