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Travel Safety

Stay Hydrated While Traveling: 5 Drinking Water Safety Tips For Travelers

Stay Hydrated While Traveling: 5 Drinking Water Safety Tips For Travelers

Depending on how long a journey is, travelers usually find it difficult to maintain some healthy habits while traveling. Most of them just want to sit in there and have the journey completed even if the journey were to last for more than 6 hours! Whether you are getting on a flight for a business trip or some sort of vacation or going by any other means of transportation, there are some healthy tips to take into consideration during any journey and one of the most important is making sure to stay hydrated. Dehydration can worsen a jet lag effect if you flew for long, making it more difficult for you to adjust to the time change. Here are some tips that can help you stay hydrated during any journey.

Explore and Learn Through Road Trips Abroad

Explore and Learn Through Road Trips Abroad

A popular choice for travel in a foreign country is to drive yourself around, saving on money and not having to follow someone else’s timetable when you want to do something. However, whether you’re planning a road trip through Europe, or simply planning to avoid public transport, there are several important factors to consider when doing so. The idea of taking your car abroad or renting one there can be daunting and confusing, so hopefully, I’ll be able to help explain a few essential points that will make your trip more enjoyable and less stressful.

Safest Places to Travel After COVID-19

Safest Places to Travel After COVID-19

As the year 2020 comes to a much-anticipated end and we can hopefully all let go of the struggles that the year has brought, especially in regards to the inability to easily travel. We hope that the new year brings a fresh start and opens the door to new and exciting opportunities. To start your year off right, we have compiled some of the safest locations to visit post-COVID.

10 Common Mistakes Travelers Make During the Holidays

10 Common Mistakes Travelers Make During the Holidays

Many people are traveling this fall and winter to be with family for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve. Time spent with family is far too valuable to be stressing about travel plans. You don’t want to catch yourself on the less prepared side of things… check out these tips and tricks to ensure that your family time is unforgettable and that your holiday season goes smoothly.

How to Safely Travel with Kids During COVID

How to Safely Travel with Kids During COVID

In the midst of a pandemic, it can be hard to maintain a normal, everyday routine. We are living through a historical time accompanied with uncertainty and fear. It is scary on its own, not to mention when children are in the picture! But, if you follow these rules and guidelines, you can continue to spend quality time with your family while being safe and exploring new places.

Tips for Traveling During & After COVID-19

 Tips for Traveling During & After COVID-19

Tips to help you make smart travel decisions during this time of uncertainty. *Always seek advice from the CDC and Government websites of your home country and the countries or locations you are planning to visit.

Safest Places to Travel During the Pandemic

Safest Places to Travel During the Pandemic

Over the last several months, the world has come to a standstill. Restaurants closed, stores limited their hours, and worldwide travel came to a screeching halt. Now, approximately eight months later, countries are beginning to reopen and the world is getting used to a “new normal.” Luckily for those who are explorers at heart, opportunities for travel are beginning to come back around.

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Traveling

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Traveling

Travel can benefit your mental health immensely. It breaks you away from the daily grind and opens your mind to new possibilities. However, in the COVID-19 era, you might feel understandable anxiety about boarding planes and meeting strangers. The heightened tension can exacerbate symptoms of mental illness.

Travel Hygiene Tips

Travel Hygiene Tips

While Instagram shots may portray traveling as luxurious and glamorous 24/7, unfortunately, if you have traveled, you know that it is not. Lucky for you, we have curated a wide list of best hygiene tips when traveling whether that be in a car, bus, boat, plane or train:

What to Do When Your Travel Plans Are Canceled

What to Do When Your Travel Plans Are Canceled

The coronavirus situation continues to unfold worldwide, and travel safety concerns prove paramount, not only to protect yourself, but also your loved ones. Here’s what you should do now to recoup your losses and move forward despite the inconvenience of having a trip canceled.