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Coolest Places to Celebrate Halloween Around the World

Halloween is a tradition that has evolved over the years and has spread throughout the entire world. This historic celebration was originally a Celtic festival of Samhain. This festival was a time where people would dress up to try and scare off unwanted ghosts. This custom turned into a celebration of the dead. Eventually, people started dressing up as saints. They would go door to door singing or praying and in return would receive a “Soul Cake.” These were a symbol of remembering the dead. This is how we later evolved the tradition of Halloween into trick or treating and dressing up in costumes. All cultures from all over the world love to celebrate this type of holiday in their own cultural way. Here are some of the coolest places to celebrate Halloween around the world.


As mentioned before, Ireland is the country that originated the idea of Halloween. Their Celtic customs were known that the dead would visit around Halloween time. The people would dress up and ward off the evil spirits. They would build traditional bonfires for the Samhain festival. This country was the one that made Jack-o-lanterns so popular because they would line these in the streets. 

If you’re looking for the full-on experience of Halloween and the old traditions, Ireland is the place to be. One of the best places to go in Ireland is Derry City. There they celebrate what’s called, Royal Halloween Carnival. This is a nine-day blowout where the parties are spooky. The activities available are endless, they range from ghost tours, haunted houses, haunted castles, scary movies, and a Dragon Safari. Going to the origin location of Halloween will make for one of the most memorable experiences of your life.


In Mexico, they do not reference this holiday as Halloween but instead is called, Day of the Dead. If you have ever seen the Disney Pixar movie, Coco, this movie is based around this entire holiday. This celebration expands into three days. It is believed that the spirits of the dead return each year during this time. The purpose is so loved ones can be reunited and is a time for remembrance of ancestry. 

The great part about Mexico is you can go to different locations in the country and get a unique experience depending on where you go. Take for instance going to Oaxaca, a location near Acapulco, you will find that the entire place has been transformed into a huge festival. The town is decorated with skulls, skeletons, and flowers to honor the dead. People will dress up in bright attire with painted on skeleton features as they visit the dead to represent being part of the ancestors. If you want to go to where the party is, go to the main square where there is large amounts of food, drinks, and dancing that lasts throughout the entire night. If you need a change of scenery you can venture to the small island of Janitzio. There you will find people doing traditional folk dancing for rituals, gatherings of families at cemeteries singing or chanting. The focus is to unite those with the present and past as one big family and is a glorious way to celebrate the dead. 

Transylvania, Romania

The entire country’s reputation comes from it’s Gothic architecture and ghostly forests. This palace screams spooky. The country originated the famous story of the vampire Dracula. The Bran Castle is the top attraction because it is home of Vlad the Impaler, the inspired version of Bram Stoker’s famous Dracula. There is the castle where tens of thousands of enemies suffered. They were impaled by stales and left to rot after their deaths.  You can visit this location and learn of the scary truths of this horrifying legend. You can choose to book a guided tour or you can join one of the speciality Halloween tours. These tours show live medieval times, old Romanian folk dances and music, live shows about Count Drcula’s wedding at the Hunyad Castle. Make sure to be careful, you may never know who among you are possible vampires.

London, England

You may be noticing a common theme of the best Halloween celebrated locations are ones with eery centuries old castles. London England is one of those places. It has a series of popular haunted castles and creepy dungeons. The Halloween events there are endless. But if you are looking to be scared, this is the place to go. There is a popular dungeon that takes you through famous villains such as Jack the Ripper and Sweeney Todd giving you an interactive and frightening experience. Extreme actors will escort visitors through 14 shows and three rides. 

If you are looking for a more family friendly activity or less intense, there are ghost walks that happen periodically through the city. You also have the option of visiting the Sir William Wallace’s execution location or an old churchyard that is haunted by Queen Isabella. Lastly, you can’t miss out on the Jack the Ripper’s old haunts in East London, this location you can grab a pint to drink where some of his victims were allegedly drinking.

Prague, Czech Republic

Halloween here is called Dušičky, which is their version of the Day of the Dead. This holiday is celebrated on November 2nd where they honor their loved ones such as family members or friends who have passed on. This is a little more mellow way of celebrating the holiday because they are peacefully paying their respects. Traditionally they will place chairs in their family rooms next to the fireplace for each member who has departed from them. As if they were making sure they had seats even though they were gone. This is a common tradition not only in Czech but Poland and Belgium as well. On this day you will see grave sites full of flowers, weathers and candles surrounding all the tombstones.

Halloween is unique in any location you go! For those who are thrill-seekers, it’s scary how good deals can be on places you can travel right now to see how other cultures celebrate holidays. Don’t let things terrify you but encourage you to explore the diverse traditions around the world. Come discover the experience you will never forget!

Post written by Aryn