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5 Benefits of Networking Through Travel

Network, network, network! As a student or a professional, this is something that you have most likely heard. There is a large amount of importance put on networking, but many individuals do not know just how important it really is. If you are not quite sure what networking is, simply put, it is connecting with a variety of individuals in order to expand your professional and/or social networks and connections. In any field of work, networking is an essential part of being successful, moving forward from the position that you are in, and meeting people that are in the same place as you or are in a place that you aspire to be in. With the importance of making connections in mind, it only makes sense to continue with your networking efforts and take them along with you as you travel. While national and international networking may seem a little intimidating, they are very beneficial in a variety of ways. Here are the top five benefits of taking a chance and networking through travel. 

  1. Move Onward and Upward with Your Career


The first benefit to choosing to network through travel, but is also beneficial and important to keep in mind when not traveling, is that by connecting with new people, you are making a name for yourself and exposing yourself and abilities to other people. Being noticed and remembered is an important part of the business world, as it is ever-growing and changing, and by connecting with people while you travel, you are getting your name and your reputation spread more widely across the United States or even the world. 

2. Doors to Meet New People and Have New Opportunities


After having put yourself out there and made connections with multiple people, there is a good chance that opportunities will become available to you that would not previously have been an option. As you travel and make connections with individuals, they are given the opportunity to learn about you, your goals, and your aspirations in your career. With this knowledge, and through their own personal network, they may be able to connect you with people that can help you get to where you want to be. Those that you are talking with will likely be from a different part of the world than you, meaning that the opportunities that they are aware of and people that they know will be entirely new and exciting for you to take advantage of. 

3. Build Up Your Confidence


The next benefit of networking through travel has more to do with the mental side of things than the physical side of things. As you expand your contacts and meet new people, you are putting yourself out into a variety of situations and pushing your comfort zone enough to make yourself grow as a person. This constant pushing of your personal limits and as well as the usage of your social skills can help you build your confidence and help you feel more comfortable in future networking or social situations. Being able to be confident and comfortable in situations where you are meeting new people is a profound ability that is sure to be very beneficial in your future endeavors.

4. Gain a Different Perspective

Number four on the list of benefits to networking through travel is that you may be able to gain a new perspective. As you travel, you are exposed to a variety of cultures, people, and ways of living. While getting to know and becoming more aware of each of these aspects, you are able to learn from different people’s experiences and ways of thinking about things. While at home in the comfort of similar ideas and mindsets it can be easy to get into a rhythm of the norm, but having someone share their knowledge and experiences with you can help you see things in a different light!

5. Develop New Personal Friendships/Relationships 


Not only does networking help in your professional and work-related life, but if you are lucky enough, networking through travel could allow you to meet people that will stay in your life for years to come. Networking through travel allows you to meet and interact with people that you may never have had the opportunity of meeting. As you explore and experience with your new-found acquaintances, you just may find that you have a lot in common and enjoy each others’ company more than you ever expected!

There are so many different benefits to both networking and traveling, but, illustrated in the top five benefits above, doing them simultaneously can be extremely beneficial to your professional and personal lives. Each of these benefits is important to remember and can help reinforce the idea of how important networking truly is. Let Acanela help you plan your next expedition to somewhere incredible so that you can begin building or continue growing your worldwide network!