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10 Unique & Interesting Things to Do While Social Distancing

Stuck at home? Looking for something more interesting to do than scroll endlessly through social media? Then you’re in luck. While we have been home social distancing ourselves, we have compiled a list of ten unique and interesting things to do when you are stuck on lock down!

1. Read Books Off the New York Times Bestseller List


On a regular basis when people are busy with work, school, family, social, and other life commitments, it may seem like there is not enough time in the day to sit and read. As we are all taking a step back from our regularly scheduled lives, we are given the opportunity to have more time on our hands. Sitting down and reading a good book is always a good decision, and according to The New York Times, the books on their lists are the best of the best!

2. Binge Watch a Show

With streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and others, there is an endless array of shows to watch. Each of these platforms has television series, movies, trilogies, sequels, and prequels in any genre you can imagine! Whether you are picking a show that you have never seen or choosing to go back to a classic favorite that you have seen many times, getting lost in the characters and the story line on the screen is a wonderful pastime. 

3. Start Playing Video Games

Console and computer gamers unite! While some people take the gaming ability and commitment to a whole other level, it’s never too late to begin playing games. The internet provides us with the accessibility to enter the world of gaming at any degree and level we choose and there are so many games to choose from! Whether you like shooting games, action games, animal games, racing games, sports games, or any other type of game that exists, with enough looking you are guaranteed to find a game and a story that will suit your fancy.

4. Find a Rabbit Hole and Jump Down It


The internet provides users with so many opportunities to expand our minds and learn about things that we had no idea existed. One activity that is a good way to spend time as well as educate yourself is to get lost down a rabbit hole while surfing the web. Start with one idea and as you click through links to other ideas and other topics you will find yourself getting lost in the mess of it all. Take advantage of the fact that you can lose yourself and mentally escape the confines of your home and the quarantining that we are all experiencing. 

5. Rearrange Your Furniture


Sitting at home during this time may result in the rooms that you are seeing and sitting in beginning to feel old, boring, and not organized. One good activity that can be beneficial not only as something to do with your time, but also to make your rooms feel new and clean, is to rearrange your furniture. When it comes to rearranging, you can even dive into the world of feng shui, you can even learn about the ancient Chinese practice of putting furniture in a certain order and facing certain directions in order to help all of the energy sources in your surrounding environments harmonize.

6. Exercise

As we all sit at home, the motivation to exercise may reach a point of nonexistence. With no gyms to go to and most of us having little to no gym equipment in our homes, we must become a little creative with how we get our daily exercise. There are good options that give us a reason to go outside and get some fresh air such as walking the dogs, running, hiking, and biking, as long as we maintain our social distancing. As we mentioned before, the internet opens up a whole world of options for exercise. With a simple search, you can be brought to videos that will lead you through and show you how to do yoga, aerobic exercises, cardio workouts, stretching, full body working, toning, focused exercises, and so many more that are sure to get your heart rate up!

7. Learn to do Something New


Think about all of the things that you think would be awesome to be able to do. Think about how satisfied and accomplished you would feel to be able to do them. Now, take this time to learn how to do them since it is as good a time as ever to take up a new hobby. There are so many things that you could learn to do in your quarantine time including calligraphy, drawing, writing poetry, origami, cooking, singing, even gymnastics! 

8.Write Handwritten Letters to Your Friends and Loved Ones

Handwritten letters are slowly becoming a lost art as technology continues to evolve and make communication even easier. Receiving written letters is so uncommon now that taking the time to send one really shows how much you care. For this reason, this is the perfect time to write to the people that mean the most to you and tell them just how much you appreciate them! 

9. Practice Meditation


In a time where there is so much uncertainty and scariness, it is never too late to take up the ancient art of meditation. Meditation is good for the body and the mind as it gives you a chance to relax as well as reduce stress and anxiety. Take this stressful time in your life as an opportunity to become more mindful, relaxed, and aware of the things that are causing stress and problems in your life.

10. Make a Plan for the Future

Being physically stuck in your home doesn’t mean that you have to be mentally stuck in your home. This time provides you with the perfect opportunity to look ahead and make a plan for the future. Whether this planning includes long term plans, such as planning a vacation or thinking further about what your goals are for the future, or short term goals such as deciding what you want to get at the farmers market when you get to go again or picking what you want to make for breakfast tomorrow, taking the time to make a plan gives you something to look forward to.

Being stuck in your home for an extended period of time can be tough on anyone, but filling your time with meaningful, fun, fulfilling things can definitely help make the time spent away from people feel more bearable. Hopefully, this list of ten things to do while you are social distancing will help you have an easier time being at home during this trying time!

Post written by Jaide Matson