Acanela Expeditions

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Australian Food Guide

One of the best parts about traveling the world is being able to learn about and try different foods! Culinary traditions are one of the best ways to express the culture of a specific place and a love for food is something that everybody has in common. Australia has a variety of culinary delights that are sure to excite and inspire even the pickiest of eaters. 


Lamingtons are squares of sponge cake that are coated in chocolate and rolled in desiccated coconut. This sweet dessert is an Australian favorite and can be found in bakeries, markets, or can even be homemade! Find a recipe to make your very own Lamingtons here. July 21st is a holiday called Lamington Day just for celebrating this favored dessert.

Moreton Bay Bug

The Moreton Bay Bug is a type of lobster most commonly found in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. Named after a bay near Brisbane, this dish is extremely popular along Australia’s coast. Moreton Bay Bugs can be ordered in seafood-based restaurants and can also be found fresh in seafood shops. Most of the meat is found in the tail of this type of lobster and the most popular way to prepare it is by grilling and barbecuing it to bring out the beautiful flavors of this popular Australian dish. 


Vegemite is a popular Australian food spread. This salty spread has a taste comparable to beef bouillon and is most commonly layered on toast. Vegemite’s ingredients consist of yeast extract, vegetables, and spice additives. This spread can be found at most local groceries, convenience stores, and markets in Australia. 

Witchetty Grub

Witchetty Grub is a name for large, white, wood-eating larvae of moths. At first glance, and maybe the second glance as well, this doesn’t sound like an appetizing dish. But people have been eating Witchetty Grub for centuries! Originally, this was a high protein food mainly eaten by Aboriginal Australians and has since evolved into the diet of many other Australians. Raw Witchetty Grub is said to have a taste similar to almonds, while cooked Witchetty Grub takes on a crisp skin that resembles roast chicken. This unique dish should definitely be on your Australia bucket list, even if it’s just to say you’ve tried it. 


Pavlova is a popular dessert in Australia. This sweet dish has a crispy crust and a soft and smooth inside, similar to marshmallow. There are a variety of ways Pavlova can be prepared, such as topped with whipped cream, fresh fruit, or any other popular dessert topping. This dessert can be found at bakeries and some restaurants, or you can recreate it at home!


Prawns is another name that Australians give to shrimp. Prawns are very popular all along the Gold Coast and throughout the islands in the Pacific. This dish can be found prepared in a variety of ways in restaurants and markets all throughout Australia. Prawns are also an essential ingredient in Australian barbeques. 


The barramundi is a popular fish that is found all over the Pacific, including South Asia, Papua New Guinea, and Northern Australia. The barramundi is a mild-tasting white fish with a clean, buttery taste. Along with other seafood varieties, the barramundi is a dish that is in high demand all throughout Australia. This fish is easy to cook and easy to eat since you can eat the skin as well!


It turns out that beetroot is an extremely underrated ingredient, especially in hamburgers. The Australian hamburger consists of beetroot, pineapple, fried egg, and chili mayonnaise. Be sure to try an authentic Australian hamburger on your next trip to the Gold Coast: it may change your life. Beetroot is also enjoyed fresh in salads, as a pasta sauce, in soups, and roasted as a side dish. 

Violet Crumble

Violet Crumble is made up of honeycomb toffee covered in chocolate. This unique treat is common in Australia and is unlike any chocolate bar you will find in the United States. Violet Crumble’s slogan is “it’s the way it shatters that matters,” ensuring a unique tasting experience.

Sydney Rock Oyster

The Sydney Rock Oyster is one of Sydney, Australia’s most popular dishes. Its unique, sweet flavor draws a crowd from all around the world. The flavor and texture changes based on how you cook it, making it an interesting and versatile dish. Although, there is a strong argument that Sydney Rock Oysters are best eaten raw. 

Australian BBQ

One of the biggest food traditions in this country is the Australian barbecue. These are so popular that most city parks have coin-operated or free barbecues. Lamb chops, sausages, prawns, and steaks are just a few of the most popular items to go on a grill during these events. These barbecues are much more than just grilling some meat though - there are often games and activities alongside. 

Anzac Biscuits

Popular in Australia and New Zealand, the Anzac Biscuit is a sweet and oaty cookie-like confection. Depending on the recipe, these biscuits can be crispy or chewy. Anzac biscuits are made with sugar, butter, golden syrup, flour, rolled oats, baking soda, boiling water, and desiccated coconut. The story goes that these were first made popular in Australia and New Zealand during World War I.  

Vanilla Slice

Vanilla Slice is a beloved pastry most commonly sold in bakeries all throughout Australia. This treat consists of thick vanilla bean custard sandwiched between puff pastry. The custard is traditionally flavored with vanilla and topped with a variety of flavored icing. 

Acanela Expeditions has a variety of tours in the Pacific, including an expedition to Australia! Explore the Blue Mountains, the Great Barrier Reef, and the remarkable city of Sydney. While there, don’t forget to try some of these traditional dishes and desserts! Food is a great way to learn more about new cultures and bring people together in unique ways.

Post written by Abby Kimball