Acanela Expeditions

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Orion CKB - Balancing Influencers + Paid Social

It seems like every reality TV star you know is now an influencer on social media. Google the term “influencer,” and you’ll get 43,600,000+ results in just 0.73 seconds.

But how effective are influencers in advertising your product anyways? And what exactly does any of this have to do with paid social advertising?

Unlike others, we aren’t ones to negate the importance of using influencers. In fact, we believe that when used in conjunction with your social advertising, you can actually increase your ROAS!

Which is why we sat down with Kylie Chenn, the Director of Operation and Strategy (aka Founder and CEO) of Acanela Expeditions to talk about combining influencers and paid social to maximize your reach and return. Having built and scaled Acanela from her time at BYU to a brand that now teams up with major brands and has been reviewed and partnered with all the publications below, Kylie gives great insight into the best ways to mix influencer and paid traffic together.

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